Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jump the shark

American Horror Story jumped the shark.
Poor Addy was hit by a car, and was even
locked in a closet of mirrors. I have to say,
I did find that scene hilarious.

The pilot was pretty creepy, but in the midst
of creepiness, the red headed twins deliver the
killer line: "We've got bats."

Everyone dies, and Tate cries way too much
for a serial killer. Burn Face wants to be an
actor and young Spock's partner is so unfaithful.

Constance is raising a little Dexter, how original, but
can I see more of sexy nurse, before she loses her eye?
And did you know that Fonzie actually jumped a shark?

Likes/ Dislikes of December

Likes: Sour Patch Candy Canes, the Karen O/ Trent Rez cover of "Immigrant Song" new singles by Shearwater and the Bowerbirds, The Tree of Life, the soundtrack to Tree of Life, ice skating at Millenium Park with JLP, Barry Hannah, Jim Goar's The Louisiana Purchase, my review of the LP, Danny's Reading Series, Adam Fell, Four Roses Whiskey, pool, John Danks' extension, D. Rose's extension, D. Rose's floater to beat the Lakers on Christmas Eve, Pujols and Wilson going to the Angels instead of the Yankees, the Marlins actually spending money, Revolution Brewery, nice weather for Christmas, the Dark Knight Rises trailer, The Hobbit trailer, getting cash as gifts for Christmas, white cheddar cheese, white cheddar mac and cheese, broccoli/cheddar soup, crown roast pork, pajama pants, Merrell shoes, Portlandia, Terriers on Netflix instants, watching the Constant and Greatest Hits on the Kindle Fire I got for my mom; remembering how great Lost was, how Desmond and Penny probably were the greatest couple in the history of television and Charlie was pretty awesome too, Justified's third season premiering in January and Archer's as well, Hell on Wheels, American Horror Story jumping the shark, neighbors

Dislikes: too fresh Sour patch candy canes, listening to the Karen O/Trent Rez cover too much, Tree of Life confusing me, Mark Buehrle going to the Marlins, Pujols and Wilson going to the Angels, no snow on Christmas,   watching the Dark Knight Trailer way too much (at least 50x), getting cash as gifts for Christmas. re-watching Terriers on Netflix and still not being able to comprehend how it was canceled, American Horror Story jumping the shark, my mom not liking the Kindle Fire, neighbors

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


There is a shotgun on the wall (double barreled
and when it goes off, two flags will fall out
and they will read: Peyton Manning and audible

There is a shotgun on the wall
that is plastered to the wall and has a button
that when pressed, plays Take Me Home, Country Roads.

There is a shotgun on the wall
that you take down and set on your lap
and hide marbles and jawbreakers in, while listening to John Denver.   

There is a shotgun on the wall
no, above the door, and it's so long
that you have to use your toe to pull the trigger. 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Karen and Trent

Remember the first time you heard Immigrant Song (my first listening was while watching School of Rock) and were like, damn that's an awesome song? Well listening to the Karen O, Trent Reznor cover for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is that moment but 10x better.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bury you burdens....

There is a beautiful juxtaposition realized from listening to William Elliot Whitmore's Field Songs on the CTA. Whitemore's smoky voice trembles over a banjo and six string, and tells of stories of sorrow and regret, and the scenes outside of CTA windows tell the same. The recordings of sparrows in the background that bookend all the songs on the album oddly sync with the whisks of passing cars on the Dan Ryan. Maybe it is because I know where to look for the the desperate, homeless, in this White city, but the characters Whitemore presents in his songs are as big shouldered as our own.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thoughts... from Lost Panoramas

Lost Panoramas is a book that explores the reversing of the Chicago River. Around that time, there was huge amounts of flooding downstate, wiping out entire towns and farms. Insurance men sent out engineers to take pictures, to access the damage (and those pictures make up some of the book). I want to write a fictional short story about this. A story about a farmer who has lost everything and is not to happy to see an engineer working for a insurance company. Not happy at all. Feeling scorned. Feeling like taking pictures of his own. I need to get my hands on Lost Panoramas and really do some research.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

They made a fake Paris
with all the lights and blackened out windows,
and I need to find out what Potemkin means.

What happens to all our fake selves?
The tour guide, the thief, the pinball packager,
could all be waiting at the Gare du Nord.

Bullet ridden tickets in their hands
waiting in the combustion and tea light
where they’re off to, real or not, on the tips of their tongues.