Thursday, April 14, 2011

Likes/ DIslikes for March(Late) and April

Likes: Kate Middleton,Florida, Justified, whiskey from my folks basement that is older than me, Neverwhere, seeing Neil Gaiman speak at the Harold Wash., M Burger, Five Guys, Daisy Cutters, workshops, Hemingway (everything, but especially Indian Camp& the Battler), watching Phone Booth in class, listening to Edith Piaf in class, Chablis by Don Barthelme, Michael Scott proposing to Holly on the Office, Mandarin mango shampoo, writing a story's ending first, Border's closing and clearance sales, T.S. Elliot's collected poems for 20 cents (at a thrift store), new okkervil river album, new fleet foxes album, new explosions in the sky album, Friday Night Lights coming back on, girls picking up tabs, professor suggesting magazine to submit to and looking over possible submission,  ideas for revisionist history short story that could be expanded later into a novel, volunteering at a community greenhouse, getting free sage and parsley, Archer, first 14 minutes of Game of Thrones

Dislikes: coming back from Florida to 40 degree temps, Shin splints!, my z key sticking, Jane Lynch, bank fees, The Left Hand of Darkness, the nbc comedies being on weird spring hiatus, people in class cracking their backs, Friday Night Lights ending, Robin Hood (with R. Crowe), Tyler Hansbrough, Canucks, Prince William (horse faced)

Meh: 127 Hours