Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"...his younger brother who was missing that part of the brain that allows you to make out with your pillow."

Take 2

From "Governors of Sominex"

The man used his one phone to call
the governor and tell him, fuck you.
He had just been arrested for breaking
into Ikea’s and rearranging furniture.
In the cell, he argued with the others about
why a sweater should be really called a sweatshirt
and a sweatshirt should really be called a sweater.
One of the men had been arrested for stealing
batting helmets from the local batting cages
and he was picked up in an alley 5 blocks away,
wearing several of them on his head, stacked on top
of each other, chanting, the pigeons, the pigeons.
Another man was picked up for licking maples trees.
So they sat on the benches, daydreaming
about Raquel Welch and rock hammers. 

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