Sunday, January 2, 2011

'11 resolutions

1. write everyday
2. read everyday
3. exercise a few times a week
4. save money
5. research grad schools
6. study music
7. eat healthier

The New Year has arrived. I've watched quite a few films lately. Today I saw True Grit. I forgot how much I love Westerns, especially good gun shootouts. True Grit only had a few, two that big one that involved snipers essentially, which I find to be weird in Westerns, (but were well done) and of course the best kind of shootout, on horseback. Everyone in the film was excellent. Jeff Bridges when I could understand him, was hilarious and yes, gritty. The girl, who was acting in her first film was superb. She's a natural, and she reminded me of a young Hilary Swank. Matt Damon was surprisingly believable as a Texas Ranger, especially after fetching a stick?, even after he spank the young actress. The Coens did a good job, and I would like to see the original, and look into the book it was based off of.

Speaking of movies based off books, i finished the prestige tonight. It was superb. I loved it. The way Priest framed the story, and kept Telsa's invention alive and working over a century blew open the book. I can see why Christopher Nolan choose it, and I could how he probably struggled having to leave many things out. After finishing the book, I realize that he changed the main characters slightly. I used to believe that one of the reasons the movie wasn't as well received as it should have been was because of Hugh Jackman. Even though he was a popular actor at the time, and still is, i used to feel he was the weak link compared to Christian Bale, Michael Caine and David Bowie's characters. But, after finishing the novel, Jackman's character was toned down, and maybe even underwritten.

Another film I enjoyed was Rounders. If watching that movie doesn't make you want to player texas hold 'em, I don't know what will. It made me want to sit in front of a mirror and practice a face that showed no tells.

I also watched Date Night. Tina Fey and Steve Carrell work very well together, especially when Carrell is relaxed. i believe he is funniest on the Office when he either is funny without realizing it or isn't trying so hard, which is pretty much only when things really don't go his way. There were many good one liners and they were perfectly distributed between action sequences and a moral that didn't get to heavy handed.

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